Happy New Year to all you Tinggly Travellers out there!

If you haven’t already set yourself any New Year resolutions, we’ve put together some inspiration to help you make your holidays in 2018 especially memorable. Wherever you’re planning to go, whatever you plan to do while you’re there, these ideas will help you to travel more economically, more sustainably and more adventurously.

Pack smarter

A strategic approach to packing can reduce the risk of overweight baggage charges, but there are plenty of other ways it can save you time and money. For instance, if you’re going away for a long weekend, a few well-chosen pieces of clothing can last you the duration, meaning you can fly with just a cabin bag. If you’re travelling as a family, and each of you has your own piece of hold luggage, then you can mix all of your clothes together. That way, if the worst should happen and someone’s bag goes missing, they’ve still got plenty to wear until their luggage reappears. Think about investing in some packing cubes too – a really great technique to save space in your bag when travelling.stil-336189.jpgGet travel insurance

Millions of people still travel abroad every year without any insurance, which is madness when you consider that comprehensive coverage can be had from reliable providers for just a small monthly expenditure. Travel insurance gives you peace of mind for everything from theft of valuables to cancelled flights, but most importantly, unexpected and urgent medical needs. If you were to get seriously ill or injured while abroad, requiring repatriation, the expense could be incredible. The odds might seem small, but is it worth the risk?amy-lister-334232

Leave the selfie stick at home

The backlash against selfie sticks is growing, with many popular tourist destinations now banning them completely for safety and privacy concerns, or just to reduce overcrowding. Posting your idyllic holiday snaps up on Facebook or Instagram might seem like innocent fun but it can also drive friends mad with envy. We say leave the selfie sticks behind in 2018, and focus on the moment instead.jakob-owens-231031Spend less while you’re away

Before departing on your holidays, get yourself a specialist credit card that allows you to withdraw cash without incurring any extra charges – particularly useful if you’re going to be away for a while. And, if you’re paying by card, always select the option to pay in the local currency if you can, as it will usually work out less expensive to avoid the conversion fee.jared-rice-388264Cut back on your living expenses

Eating out less at home, walking to work instead of driving or using public transport, and cutting down your alcohol intake are all great ways to put aside a little extra money every week which can go towards your 2018 travel plans. If you’re ruthless about it, then over the course of a year you could easily save enough money to upgrade hotel, or even to first-class on your flights.tim-gouw-208299Try going solo

Many people have never known the experience of solo travel, perhaps put off by worries about safety or loneliness. While these are naturally legitimate concerns, they can also be offset quite easily by sensible precautions and a willingness to engage with whoever you meet on your way. Holidaying by yourself means your itinerary is entirely flexible according to what you want to do, and can often provide a much more immersive and rewarding journey. Make 2018 your first time travelling solo.jared-rice-389056Seek out new experiences

Push your limits in 2018 and enjoy the rewards that come from trying new experiences. Explore different cultures, conquer your fears, meet people from diverse backgrounds and learn new skills. If you were lucky enough to receive a Tinggly gift voucher for Christmas, then inspiration is not far away!jeremy-bishop-332044 (1)Eat like a local

This year, give chain restaurants a miss while on holiday, and instead choose to eat where the locals do. Not only are you likely to enjoy better and more authentic food, but you’re also not going to be paying the premium that comes with big brands, and you’ll be helping the local economy too. A good rule to follow is the Six-Block Standard – try not to eat anywhere within six blocks of a major tourist attraction. lisheng-chang-396821Travel more responsibly

Think about the ways that you can make a positive difference when you vacation in 2018, whether that be something big like taking part in a voluntary project for a while, or something much more simple but still important, such as cutting down your use of plastics while in resort, which many destinations find it tricky to recycle, or travelling overland where possible instead of flying.dan-freeman-401298

Look at alternative accommodations

It used to be that when you went away on holiday, your accommodation options were pretty much limited to hotels or bed and breakfasts. Today, thanks to the internet and the sharing economy, there is an incredible diversity available. You might stay in a traditional yurt, with a family in a homestay, in a beach hut or even a treehouse. Expand your horizons when it comes to accommodation, and you can often find a unique experience.alex-robert-133578Do what you want to do

Just because you’re in New York, you don’t need to join the line at the Empire State Building. You shouldn’t feel obliged to visit the museums and galleries of Paris if you prefer to window-shop or spend your time people-watching from a cafe. Ditch the guidebooks, ignore what people say are the must-sees, and make your holidays much more fun by doing only what interests you.tim-wright-149234

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