7 things to do before the end of summer

Sorry to break it to you, but it’ll soon be time to pack away the flip-flops, suncream and barbecue, and dig out the rain boots and umbrella. That’s right, if you haven’t seen a calendar lately, we’re well into September and summer is fast coming to an end (by the way, take a look in your living room – if there are some kids in there watching TV, they need to be back in school now).

Good news though – there are still a few weeks left to enjoy the last vestiges of summer, and to help you make the most of the time left, we’re put together a list of some last-minute summer-happy-making-things for you. Drop whatever you’re doing, and see in the autumn in style…

Get a proper ice cream

Artisan gelato is no longer confined to Italy – if you want to taste delicious, creamy and often handmade ice-cream, you can find it in most cities. Indulge in luscious flavours like Sea Salt Caramel, Sour Cherry or Honey & Lavender. For the more adventurous there’s bizarre gourmet flavours like bacon & egg (thank you Heston Blumenthal), garlic, blue cheese and even breast milk! Okay, maybe stick to tried and tested favourites like Rum & Raisin then. But the point is, for not much more than the price of a small Cornetto, you can now get some of the most extravagant, decadent and downright mouthwatering ice cream scooped into a cone – you just need to find your nearest place and enjoy La Dolce Vita!

Sneak in one last BBQ

Just because summer is on the way out doesn’t mean we won’t have any more sunny days ahead. There are always periods throughout autumn and even into winter where it’s bright and warm enough to risk a barbecue. Our advice? Keep yours clean and ready to go by the door, and keep an eye on daily weather forecasts, so that as soon as a suitable evening comes along, you can be grilling up a storm. The best way to get through a long day at work is the thought of a tasty BBQ ahead.A photo by Evan  Kirby. unsplash.com/photos/g1DcIUcdX9U bbq marshmellowWatch a movie outdoors

No, we don’t mean taking your laptop into the garden. Outdoor cinema is all the rage right now – bring a picnic, a rug and a bottle of wine to watch either a new release or an old classic in the open air. There are also all kinds of immersive cinema experiences, and other ways in which people are connecting with film that don’t involve the multiplex and over-priced popcorn (alright there will always be overpriced popcorn, but at least you might get a few different flavours!) Here’s just a small selection of the best outdoor cinemas around Europe.

out door cinemaBook some winter sun

Beat the winter blues and escape to the sunshine if only for a few days by booking a holiday somewhere warm mid-winter. Spanish or Greek islands are easily reached by cheap flights, packages can be very reasonable if you’re prepared to shop around, and if you have the budget, you can go further afield. If you’ve been lucky enough to receive a Tinggly gift experience voucher recently, then this is an excellent time to use it!summer travelGo wild swimming

Swimming outdoors is a very liberating experience. It brings you closer to nature, and frees you from chlorinated communal pools. All over Europe there are lakes and rivers where you can take a dip at no cost and meet other like-minded people – organised events are common. It’s best to swim where others do the same regularly so that you can be reasonably sure it’s safe, and remember that most outdoor swimming locales don’t have any lifeguard provision. Here’s a handy guide if you’d like to give wild swimming a try.summerBreak out the tent

Unpredictable weather is all part of the fun when camping – just remember to pack raingear and towels. Don’t have a tent? Borrow one. Like wild swimming, camping is a great way of getting back in touch with nature, and nothing beats the feeling of stepping out into beautiful countryside, frying up a pan of bacon on the fire and sipping a mug of sugary tea in the mornings. Camping isn’t for everyone, but equally, it’s something that everyone should try at least once.2Pick fruit

Just looking at the UK, blueberries are in season, there are blackberries on the bushes and even a few strawberries. A few hours of picking and you can have enough berries to make jam, pies and other dishes that will keep you going all through the winter. It’s good exercise, gives you a tan on a sunny day, and may inspire you to plant a few in your garden or just a window box for next year.berriesblue berries cake

Don’t forget to check out other Outdoor Experiences by Tinggly ^.^

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