Stylish French Escape

Number of hotels 5,000+ hotels
Nights to stay 2 nights stay for 2 people
This is a gift voucher. The recipient will choose & book a hotel stay after they redeem the gift.
No expiration date
Easy refund
Free exchange
Easy booking
Planet friendly
Global availability


About this gift box

2 nights stay for 2 people in a hotel of their choice.

Note: a possible city tax/tourist tax or similar might be applicable, which must be paid on arrival. This varies by city.

Choose between our e-voucher, delivered instantly via email, or opt for our eco-friendly physical box, perfect for a personalized touch when gifting.
eVoucher - Free
Delivered instantly after the purchase, perfect for last-minute gifts.
Eco-friendly Gift Box - $10.00
Shipped with USPS in the US and DHL for the rest of the world, delivered in 2-5 business days.

A getaway gift is a voucher that can be used to book a hotel stay at over 100,000 different hotels worldwide. The number of eligible hotels varies depending on the selected getaway gift.
A higher-priced voucher grants access to higher-value hotels.
The getaway gift covers a hotel stay for two people.
The length of the stay depends on the chosen getaway gift. Some options include a 1-night stay, while others include a 2-night stay. You should check the description of desired getaway gift to see how many nights are included in that particular getaway gift. For example, the "American Getaway" provides a 2-night stay for a higher price, while the "American Minibreak for Couples" offers a 1-night stay for a lower price. Both options give you access to over 10,000 hotels nationwide.
There are over 100,000 hotels worldwide to choose from when one redeems their voucher. A sneak peek of the list is available before purchasing at the bottom of the getaway gift page.

Why choose our gift box?

Great value
Includes a variety of choices within and above the price range.
Lifetime validity
A Gift box has no expiration.
Hassle-free gifting
The recipients choose 1 experience. All costs covered.
Easy refund policy
30 days no questions asked.
Different experience choices for 1-4 participants are available when booking
Sustainable gift
Every gift plants trees and offsets CO2.

Stylish French Escape

Number of hotels 5,000+ hotels
Nights to stay 2 nights stay for 2 people
This is a gift voucher. The recipient will choose & book a hotel stay after they redeem the gift.
No expiration date
Easy refund
Free exchange
Easy booking
Delivery options
  • Free
  • Instant delivery
  • Environmentally friendly
Physical Gift Box
  • $10.00 fee
  • 2-5 business days
  • Shipping Worldwide

No expiration date
Easy refund
Free exchange
Easy booking
Planet friendly
Global availability
As seen on